FTC Approves $5 Billion Dollar Fine Against Facebook Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal.

Although the E.U. handed down significant fines earlier this week, the U.S. ended the week by issuing record-setting fines against Facebook for 5 billion dollars. The fine against Facebook represents the powerful posture taken by the United States to enforce privacy legislation in the post-GDPR era. The chart below outlines the EU’s early GDPR enforcement […]

EU-US Privacy Shield: Legal Certainty for US Companies

A new data privacy protection agreement has been tentatively reached between the U.S. and the EU. This new agreement to be called the “EU-US Privacy Shield” replaces the 15-year-old EU-US Safe Harbor Program that US companies have relied on to ensure legal certainty when personal data from the EU to the US. The EU-US Safe […]

Facebook Page Administrators Faced with the Floodgate of Liability

The powerful nature of the GDPR has instilled fear among businesses across the globe. As most companies rush toward compliance, some try to hide behind others. Just weeks after the GDPR came into effect, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided a case that made clear that businesses cannot avoid liability by hiding behind other […]

GDPR: What to do in a “No Deal” Brexit Scenario?

What to do in a No-Deal-Brexit Scenario What happens to your GDPR Compliance Program in the event that the UK leaves the EU without striking an agreement with the EU.   Here is a summary of actions you will likely need to take, followed by a more detailed explanation.  Revise your standard contractual clauses for transfers […]

Security-The Demise of the EU-US Safe Harbor

The lack of a cohesive body of data privacy and security laws in the U.S. created problems with transfers of personal information from EU citizens held by U.S. companies. Thus, the EU-U.S. Safe Harbor was created and is administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Under the Safe Harbor, U.S. companies could self-certify their compliance […]

Japan and the EU Strike Secure Data Flow Agreement

As the trade tensions rise between the United States and China, Japan and the EU signed a “reciprocal adequacy agreement” that recognizes each other’s data protection regimes as equivalent, which will allow personal data to flow safely between them, creating the world’s largest region of secure data flows. Why is this agreement so important? Cross-border […]

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